Are you an empty nester with your children finally out of college and on their way? Wondering what to do with your extra space? Do you feel like your home is just too big now that the kids have left? Are you wondering how to downsize your home with 20+ years of accumulated stuff that you need to declutter? 

It can be overwhelming to think about making such a significant change, but rest assured that you are not alone. The transition to being an empty nester can be both exciting and daunting. On the one hand, there's a newfound sense of freedom and flexibility, but on the other, there are many practical considerations to take into account. However, the good news is that with the right guidance and support, it's possible to make the transition smoothly and confidently. That's where Weiniger Realty can help you figure out your destination and guide you towards the best solutions for your next home.

In this video, Judith Weiniger, a seasoned expert broker shares her tips on how to get unstuck from your nest and move forward with confidence. 

Indeed, there are two of the many reasons that often hold empty nesters back from moving forward. The first key consideration is to determine where you're going. Not knowing your destination can be a significant obstacle to moving forward. It's important to figure out your motivation for moving and explore your options. Maybe you need a transition strategy that includes renting for a year.  

Once you have a clear idea of where you want to go, it's time to start the preparation process. This is often where many people get stuck. The thought of decluttering and getting rid of years of accumulated possessions can be overwhelming. However, it's essential to remember that decluttering can be a freeing experience that helps you prioritize what's truly essential and let go of items that no longer serve a purpose. The good news is that this need not be a significant worry, as there are many professional vendors who can help with decluttering, donating, recycling, and packing. Sorting your belongings into four categories: keep, give, sell, and trash is a great way to start the process.

Here are some tips on how to downsize your belongings:

1. Keep: This category is reserved for items you regularly use after downsizing your home. It may include a small number of sentimental items like your wedding video, family photo albums, or any meaningful items. Limit yourself here.

2. Give: Consider giving special items to loved ones who will treasure them the way you have, or donate them to your favorite charity. Stop clinging to too many things from the past and start making room for all those precious memories ahead.

3. Sell: Now that sentimental items are separate and safe, earn some extra cash for the rest. Try yard sales, estate sales, or selling online. All that money can go towards your move.

4. Trash: After you set aside the giveaway or sell the important things, there's no reason to keep the rest. Throw away that trash and set yourself free.

By following these steps, you can downsize your belongings and make the moving process much easier. Don't let the fear of downsizing hold you back from making a move that will benefit you in the long run. 

The moving process can be much more manageable when you have a reliable team of contractors and helpful resources to support you. With the guidance and support of Judith Weiniger and her team at Weiniger Realty, you can get unstuck from your nest and spread your wings. We can help you step by step with our trusted contractors to get your home cleaned out and moved seamlessly.

Whether you're looking to downsize, explore new areas, or simply start fresh, there's no reason to go it alone. Let us help you fly out of your nest and into the next phase of your life with confidence and ease. It's never too late to make your dreams a reality.

To learn more, subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our blog and website!

And now for a cool story:

Our empty nester image used for the thumbnail of this video was created by an amazing artist we found on Instagram. He is Lucas Varela, we reached out to him and he graciously agreed to let us use his drawing. This is just one example of the power of social media and the incredible talent that exists in the world. We encourage you to check out his work and follow him for more amazing art.

@Lucas Varela