Navigating your child's education and finding the right school for your child is a priority for most parents! Luckily, residents of Warren, New Jersey, have access to an exceptional range of both public and private school options.

Warren's public school system is an excellent place to start, with four elementary schools—Angelo L. Tomaso (ALT), Central, Mount Horeb, and Woodland School. These schools offer a solid academic curriculum, high test scores, and low student-teacher ratios, ensuring students receive an outstanding foundation from kindergarten through the fifth grade. The district's focus on a well-rounded education, including extracurricular activities and community service, prepares students for future success. I am continually struck by the level of commitment and care from our school Administrators, Principals and staff, who love what they do for their students! 

Warren Middle School is the recipient of all Warren Township students from the 4 elementary schools after they graduate the 5th grade. The Gifted and Talented program and foreign language classes give students in the sixth through eighth grades the chance to push themselves academically and learn more about other cultures, plus the robust “extras” like public speaking, Shark Tank opportunities and Capstone. High school students go to Watchung Hills Regional High School, which offers a wide range of activities after school, such as performing arts, public service, and social justice clubs, to help students explore their interests outside of the classroom.

Private schools which are close to Warren and service Warren residents are equally impressive. K–12—co-ed independent day schools, such as Pingry, Rutgers Prep, and Gill St. Bernard, offer a rigorous academic program and a wide range of extracurricular activities, ensuring students receive a top-notch education. For all-girls schools, there's Kent Place, covering grades K–12, and Mount Saint Mary Academy, an all-girls high school option. All-boys schools include Oratory Prep and Summit for grades seven through twelve; Delbarton, a Morristown-based school for grades seven through twelve; and Seton Hall Prep in West Orange for grades nine through twelve. 

Each school offers an exceptional educational experience with robust academic programs, an array of after-school activities, and opportunities for social and emotional development.

Whether you're leaning toward public or private, Warren, New Jersey's educational options are plentiful.

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