As we head into the last quarter of the year we continue to see just how much the pandemic has impacted us. We were forced to slow down and work full time from home. Spending more time at home lead us to realize how important some flexible living spaces were, what home features were no longer negotiable, and what spaces needed a renovation to fit this new lifestyle. Here are some home features our agents have realized they need because of COVID. 


Recreational Spaces

Staying active with a daily exercise routine became a bit of a challenge during the quarantine. Broker Judith Weiniger realized having pool crept up to the top of her request list. The days when couldn't go out were the hardest, so having a pool at home could have been very hand. On the other hand, Agent Jody Udelsman's husband leaned more toward purchasing a bench and a set of weights to set them up in the garage, which made him very happy.


Learning Spaces

Since distance learning has taken over our kids' lives, and ours too, Agent Cathy Cooper realized the need for a homework room or learning space. Having a designated space for them to do their work and attend online classes helps them concentrate and do better on their work. It can also boost accountability in having to keep their space organized and clean.

Some Private Space

For those with multi-generational households, privacy is a necessity. Broker Judith Weiniger opts for a less "open" concept where walls give occupants seclusion. During quarantine, she found it necessary to put up a tarp in her house to separate her living room and create a private yoga zen music room. Private spaces are also needed when adult kids come home.

More Office Rooms

Having two or more home offices is now a must. Before, it was easy to take turns using the home office, but since the pandemic, more and more people have started working from home with two or more individuals working at a time. Agent Jody Udelsman decided to turn their three-season room into a four-season room. During this time, it has been fully used as an office with the help of space heaters. And since the screen windows needed replacing too, they are going all the way and making this a more usable space year-round.


Home Improvements

Spending more time at home has brought to light some of the things that need repair or renovation in our homes. Agent Michelle Giordano found her house needs a few improvements. Next on her list is getting someone to install some built-ins in her office to create storage and save space. She also found their deck needed a refresh, and they also just finished their driveway.